
Header Banner
Header Banner
Show a image or a video on the header.
Header Themes
Header Themes
This article shows the available header themes.
Contact Module
Contact Module
The contact module ships with a layout and shortcode for generating contact forms, which are designed to be compatible with mosts of form backends.
Blog Sidebar Overview
Blog Sidebar Overview
The blog module supports an optional sidebar layout.
Blog Sidebar Posts Module
Blog Sidebar Posts Module
This module shows the recent and featured posts on the blog’s sidebar.
Blog Taxonomies Sidebar Module
Blog Sidebar
Announcement Bar
Announcement Bar
The announcement bar module makes important thing stand out, such as news and project’s releases.
Inline Frame Module
Inline Frame Module
This module ships with an universal inline frame shortcode.
Blog Staticman Comments Module
Blog Staticman Comments Module
This module integrate the Staticman comments module with blog layout.
Docs Staticman Comments Module
Docs Staticman Comments Module
This module integrate the Staticman comments module with docs layout.
Staticman Comments Module
Staticman Comments Module
The staticman comments module ships with flexible template for other modules, to generate comment form and show the nested comments.