
Add Custom HTML Markup
Add Custom HTML Markup

You may want to include custom HTML markup to extend functionalities, that’s quit easy to do that with HugoPress built-in hooks and HB custom hooks.

Deploy on Netlify
Deploy on Netlify

This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to deploy sites on Netlify.

Blog Hooks
Blog Hooks

The list of blog’s custom hooks.

Docs Hooks
Docs Hooks

The list of docs’s custom hooks.

Footer Hooks
Footer Hooks

The list of footer’s custom hooks.

Gallery Hooks

Sometimes you may be surprised that some styles are missing from the production environment, most likely because they have been removed by PurgeCSS. This article describes how to prevent styles from being deleted by PurgeCSS.

Customize Scripts
Customize Scripts

This article offers a sample for showing how to add custom scripts.

Customize Styles
Customize Styles

HB allows adding custom styles and overriding the Bootstrap default SCSS variables.

Slide Module
Slide Module

The module implements a simple slide, the blog related posts module was built on top of it.

Blog Content Panel
Docs Content Panel