Markdown Syntax Guide
Markdown Syntax Guide
Sample article showcasing basic Markdown syntax and formatting for HTML elements.
HB Framework Node.js Meta Package
Blog Post Authors Module
Blog Post Authors Module
This module display the post's authors on the top or bottom of content.
Core Module HugoPress Definitions
Core Module HugoPress Definitions
List of HB core module's custom HugoPress attributes and hooks.
Modules Principle
Modules Principle
This article describes the structure of the module, its principles and some development conventions.
Core Module Configuration
Core Module Overview
Docs Sticky Till The End Module
Docs Sticky Till The End Module
By default, the sidebar and ToC (table of contents) will sticky until reach the footer, with this module, they can be sticky all the time.
Blog Sticky Till The End Module
Blog Sticky Till The End Module
By default, the sidebar and ToC (table of contents) will sticky until reach the footer, with this module, they can be sticky all the time.
HB Spoiler Tag Shortcode
HB Spoiler Tag Shortcode
Spoiler tags allow you to write text that some users may not want to see and hide until the reader chooses to see it.
HB PWA Installer
HB PWA Installer
HB PWA installer module shows a button on the bottom to add the site to home screen.
Bootstrap Tooltip for Abbreviations
Bootstrap Tooltip for Abbreviations
Replace built-in abbreviations tooltip with Bootstrap Tooltip.
Bootstrap Tooltip Module
Bootstrap Tooltip Module
This module adds Bootstrap Tooltip support for HB Framework.
Docs Social Share Buttons Module
Enable Dark Mode Only
Enable Dark Mode Only
It makes sense to remove the light and auto modes/themes and keep only the dark mode to suit your tastes.
HB Heading Sign Module
HB Heading Sign Module
This module shows an anchor link next the the heading when users hovering.
HB Header Git Repository Module
HB Header Git Repository Module
This module shows information about the Git repository on the header, such as latest release, number of stars and number of forks
HB Header Git Organization Module
HB Header Git Organization Module
This module shows information about the Git organization on the header, such as avatar, number of followers, number of repositories and total number of stars.
Blog Revision Module
Blog Revision Module
Show revision information below the post content.
Docs Revision Module
Docs Revision Module
Show revision information below the post content.
HB Revision Module
HB Revision Module
Describe page with extra info, such as the create date, modified date and so on.
Blog Social Share Buttons Module
HB Social Share Buttons Module
What's News in Blog's v0.23.0, v0.24.0 and Related Modules
Icons Configuration
HB Breadcrumb Component
HB Breadcrumb Component
HB breadcrumb component for indicating the current page’s location.
HB Cards Theme is Out
HB Cards Theme is Out
We’re proud to announce that our new cards theme is available now.
Google Fonts Module
Google Fonts Module
This module integrates Google fonts with HB framework, which allow specifying multiple fonts and their axises.
Header News Module
Header News Module
The HB header news module is an alternative to the announcement bar, the recent news will be shown automatically.
Broken styles when building site via Hugo v0.120.0 or later
Broken styles when building site via Hugo v0.120.0 or later
There are some patches for correcting the broken styles when building site via Hugo v0.120.0 or later.