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We’re glad you plan to join us, and we appreciate any contributions. You can support this project in the following ways.


  1. Please consider giving the project’s repositories a star ⭐, such as the core module and the starter theme.
  2. Please retain the powered by ©️ information on the footer if possible, or mention it in other places.
  3. Ask and answer questions to help each other.
  4. Share your ideas.
  5. Report issues and bugs.
  6. Internationalize module’s UI.
  7. Improve documentation via fixing typos and translating in other languages.
  8. Write any article about Hugo on our site, we’re happy to create an author page for you, e.g. HB Authors, and link that article to the original one.
  9. Implements features and fix bugs.
  10. Financial contribution through Ko-fi and PayPal.


I18n Guide

Usually, the i18n messages were placed in i18n folder.

  1. Fork the repository and clone the fork to local.
  2. Determine the language code, e.g. fr for French.
  3. Copy the i18n/en.toml to i18n/fr.toml.
  4. Translate the items in place.
  5. Save and push changes to remote repository.
  6. Create a PR and waiting for reviewing and merging.

You could use GitHub web UI to create file as well.

I18n Modules

A list of modules that to be internationalized.

Friday, March 28, 2025 Monday, April 17, 2023