
Content Panel Module
Content Panel Module
This module display a content panel on single pages, which includes translations, comments and repo buttons.
PWA Module
PWA Module
This module integrates the Hugo PWA module with HB, to customize the offline page and tweak some parameters.
Bootstrap Module
Bootstrap Module
This module ports Bootstrap module to HB, to add missing components.
Gallery Breadcrumb
Gallery Breadcrumb
This module display the breadcrumb for gallery layout.
Gallery Overview
Gallery Overview
The gallery module provides a simple layout for images.
Core Module
Meta Modules
Meta Modules
The meta modules do not provide any functionalities, they are just a set of modules, to simplify the installation and uninstallation of the modules.
Related Posts
Related Posts
This module shows the related posts below the post content.
Blog Breadcrumb
Blog Breadcrumb
This module display the breadcrumb for blog layouts.
Docs Breadcrumb
Docs Breadcrumb
This module display the breadcrumb for docs layout.
Featured Image
Featured Image
This module shows the featured image above the post content if present.
Docs Featured Image Module
Docs Featured Image Module
This module shows the featured image above the doc content if present.