Header Socials Module
Header Socials Module
The header’s socials generates social links.
Header Theme Toggle Module
Header Theme Toggle Module
The header’s theme toggle module for switching light, dark or auto (follow system) color mode.
Header Overview
Header Overview
The header module is a universal top app bar that ships with some useful sub modules, such as search form, social links, light/dark mode toggle and language picker.
Scrollbar Module
Scrollbar Module
The scrollbar module changes the default browser scrollbar style.
Module Guide
Module Guide
Do you want to create and share your creative HB modules? Here is everything you want to know.
Syntax Highlighting Modules
Syntax Highlighting Modules
HB provides various of syntax highlighting modules, this article lists the supported styles.
Code Block Panel
Code Block Panel
The code block panel provides abilities to expand code, copy code, wrap code and toggle code line numbers.
Modules Overview
Modules Overview
This article shows how to install, uninstall, upgrade, clean and tidy modules.
Back to Top Module
Back to Top Module
AKA return to top, a button to back to top.
Progress Bar Module
Progress Bar Module
A progress bar will be shown when opening a new page in the current tab and window.
Mermaid Module
Mermaid Module
Mermaid is a JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that uses Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams.
The list of known issues and corresponding solutions.
HB is a feature-rich framework, but it also has a certain complexity. This article will detail the requirements for HB so that you can develop and use HB modules and themes properly.
Style Guide
Style Guide
Undoubtedly, adhering to the same coding style helps developers work together. We suggest you take a few minutes to learn about the coding style used if you’d like to help us improve the code by submitting pull requests.
We provide a starter theme template for you to create a HB site quickly.
HB (Hugo Bootstrap) is a modular framework that built on top of Hugo and Bootstrap v5.3.0+. HB is not a theme, it's used to build one.
Markdown Syntax Guide
Markdown Syntax Guide
Sample article showcasing basic Markdown syntax and formatting for HTML elements.